Monday, May 25, 2009

Teaching Philosophy Part 3

Education as a way of Life

Lost-Found Lesson #2 1-40

18. “What is the duty of a civilized person?
Answer: The duty of a civilized person is to teach he who is savage civilization, righteousness, the knowledge of himself and the science of everything in life…”

The Egyptians of the later dynasties had educational systems deeply founded on oral traditions with high regards and respect to elders within the community. In his book, Ancient Future, Wayne B. Chandler, describes the process in which concepts of truth become mythologized. It is through the assigning of human qualities to abstract concepts that one can comprehend its meaning. This knowledge was learned through interactions between the older folks in the community with the younger folks. Unlike Western society, the educational world of the child was not separated from that of the adults'. Children laid a helping hand to the adults while gradually adapting the skills and knowledge necessary for their growth. All this acquired knowledge and skill came from the elders of the community. This clearly shows how elders, unlike Western society, where elders are regarded as useless and put into secluded homes, hold a very important role within native/ancient/indigenous civilizations. Basic education for youth started at the home. Parents were in charge of instilling within their kids moral attitudes and views of life. Parents taught their children their community's ideas about the world, their ethical values and principals, as well as the application of other concepts. Through the use of through the use of science and concepts studied in existing philosophical works, such as the Book of Instruction, which contains information about how to lead a good life and which details the different aspects of morality (justice, wisdom, obedience, humanity, and restraint), kids drew out their understanding and talents.

Going by the Egyptian example, one can see how education is not merely designated to an institution; rather it is a process in which all members of a community are involved. There are no set structures, no separation between teacher and students. Education here is seen as a way of life, rather than as a part of life. Once people start viewing education as a process that should extend beyond the dedicated 6 to 8 hours a day, real learning takes place. It is important that students are socialized with knowing that education is not confined to a building. Learning takes place in all places, at all times, with different people.

Learning the truth about ourselves, our birthright as God and Earth/Allat, leads us into a deepening of our reality. Within my concept of education, students will learn through writing, reading, physical/spiritual development, and creative enrichment. This will be done through specific classes as well as the independent application and study of the student. The student is to question reality at every turn so that they are able add understanding to their lives. Those who are ready will use the Supreme Mathematics to further prove their creative reality. In the end, the focus will be on the students deepening of understanding and the drawing out of their natural talents. Students should then be prepared to share & contribute a unique aspect to the living truth of the original man and woman.

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